Get free traffic for websites from Google

To get traffic for website is difficult but  Google make easy for us to get traffic. And it provide various topics to write articles in websites. GOOGLE has platform Google Question Hub. 
Get websites audience

What is Google Question Hub.

It is basically  when we search some questions Google transfer the question toGoogle Question Hub then we have to answer that questions in our website and share link.

Google question hub
When we share link of our website we get traffic in our website to see that articles That's how it work. 

How to do it ? 

1. Go to Google Question Hub  website 

2. Login. 

3. Click add Questions. 

4. Select  topics which you can answer.

5. Click add. The questions  add to your dash board. 

To get regular traffic in your websites  your should share link regularly  and in a good manner. 

Google provide topics  is beneficial to us because we do not to think that in which topics  we have  to write article. 

 I hope this is helpful to you. 

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