Get paid to follow intagram accounts

Now a day earning money  is working for hours and hours then we get income. It's is our essential to full fill our basic needs. It is for all who want to make side income  by just sitting at home.

 HOSTERworld is going to tell you that  how to get a side income from just using your INSTAGRAM account. You can setup your small business by using the method which Iam going to tell you.

You can use your phone, laptop or a PC to do this job .To earn from this  just follow others account it is a easy job to get money. From your home or anywere you should get income. By using INSTAGRAM.

For this you should have a Gmail accounts , Intagram account  And internet connect.

You know intagram we usually use for post or to see others posts. We can use intagram as a income source by sharing links.
For this we have to make intagram account as a offer account platform which giveaway offer  to others. We have to follow others account  when other see our follow request they usually  check our profile to see what post we share. They see that  we are giving offer and they email us to get offer.

 Main question is  that where we get this offers ?

We get this offer from offervalt.We have to make our posts like professional in that we have to mention our gmail and a tagline for offer. To get professional posts you can use canva to make good looking post. From that offer post when someone email you. You give a reply of that " Congratulations  "   and add   link from offervalt  of that offer  which you mention in your intagram  post. When they read your email they click on link and you get paid.

Let's start 》》》
Go to Google,  search for OFFERVALT
Offervalt is a affiliate program which give you a link to share to anyone when some one click that links you get paid. You choose your commission as they show offers. In offervalt the transactions will do in dollar.  You can earn more then 2000 rupees as per your  sharing link.

How to do it ?

1. Sign in to offervalt.
2. Go to offervalt dashboard. 3. Copy link  form options given their eg- 1000 Amazon voucher  Copy that link and come to canva

CANVA is a platform  which provides many template for intagram post. It is look professional to share links.

1. Go canva site login.
2. Then  click for intagram posts.
3.  Choose from  given options. 4.  Just edit it.

Show your post like a offer for your customer.  And mention your emai address. When they see they email you to get the offer. When they send email you just reply
"Congratulations you win a voucher
Click link offer "
Then You get paid for this. You can make multiple account to generate  fast income. To grow this business you should make your business name and a professional email address.

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